Facility Planning: explain the local, state, and federal legal and regulatory requirements for the area you selected.

Facility Planning

You have been assigned to manage a renovation project from an old warehouse to a medical office building. You have been asked to manage one of the internal environmental impacts, such as hazardous waste management, fire and safety management, disaster management, security management, or ADA guidelines, in the newly renovated building.

The discussion of the cross-functional team members reveals their concern regarding topics like how to handle fire safety or hazardous waste at the newly renovated facility. The internal stakeholders, including the director of facilities and human resources manager, are interested specifically in the ADA guidelines.

Fire and Safety Management

Explain the local, state, and federal legal and regulatory requirements for the area you selected. Consider the following agencies:

  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • Joint Commission
  • Your state’s health planning and development agency
  • Department of Health and Human Services

speaker notes needed