Describe the following best practices or methods for detecting a threat actor.

1) Develop reliable, ethical methods to detect, characterize, and counter cyber threat actors

2) Describe the following best practices or methods for detecting a threat actor.

  • Awareness Awareness educates users about the importance of security objectives and current trends. Additionally, it is important to understand why rules are in place and are motivated to follow any security policies placed by an organization. The goal is to allow individuals to recognize and identify Its security concerns and respond accordingly.
  • Auditing Auditing is an independent manual or systematic action to examine records, programs, computer logs, security vulnerabilities, and security is up to date and part. The goal is to identify and solve possible security breaches, lack of security infrastructure, and misuse of privileges.
  • Diligence Due diligence is to design a cybersecurity plan and deploy it in order to prevent fraud and abuse in the efforts to protect a customers’ and/or organization data.
  • Monitoring Monitoring allows an organization to view and record a user’s actions with the purpose to identify unethical behavior or overuse certain privileges provided. Notifications will be given in real-time while users are exercising their privileges for monitoring.
  • Testing Testing through vulnerability, penetration, and mitigation examines the weakness and strength of an organization security defense and perimeter.
  • Sandboxing Just as a sandbox, which is enclosed by for corners, allows an IT department to safely run programs or malicious codes in their own virtual environment without harming the device or network.
  • Enticing Enticing, just as the word reflects, is a form of strategy in which an organization sets honeypot or traps for hackers. The honeypots simulate a network service that looks like a computer port recording keystrokes and logs access attempts for security improvements.