Coursework: make an argument as to why parole should be abolished, or at least seriously limited.then, make an argument for why parole should be supported.


  • What goals and ideas led to the creation of parole in the late 1800s? What is the basic philosophy supporting parole? Identify some main factors (three would be good) taken into consideration by Parole Boards in considering whether parole should be granted?
  • Identify important ways in which parole is different from, and also similar to probation? What is the significance of the fact that being granted probation or parole is a privilege and not a right? How does this basic idea of a privilege and not a right change once someone is placed on probation or parole?
  • Make an argument as to why parole should be abolished, or at least seriously limited. Then, make an argument for why parole should be supported.
  • Identify four due process rights that were given to those on probation and parole in matters of revocation, stipulated in laws from the late 1960s and early 1970s. How does the standard of proof required on the part of the state in revocation hearings differ from that required in regular criminal proceedings?