Jewish study: how does Adam II live a redeemed life?Discuss.

Jewish study

These chapters continue to develop the Adam I/II personalities and highlight their differences.Discuss


1) How does Adam II live a redeemed life?Discuss.

2) Rav Soloveitchik presents a paradox: We are able to find God in every aspect of nature -the sky is yet the closer we get to the Divine the further away we feel from fully comprehending Hashem and His greatness.Explain/elaborate on what this means to you. Provide an example to further clarify in either history or your own experience.

3) How do Adam I/II differ in their outlook on marriage and relationships with others?

4) Take a look at this article by Rabbi David Aaron ( it’s a good summary and ads more of a modern spin to the Rav). Especially notice this paragraph on p. 46)