Craft an argument regarding the reasons that these authors chose to humanize or dehumanize the figures that they did.

Craft an argument regarding the reasons that these authors chose to humanize or dehumanize the figures that they did.

Essay should be around 1200-1500 words and adhere to all MLA style guidelines. Make sure to address the topic specifically and to use evidence (quotes) from the text you choose as well as contextual evidence from the lectures.

Your essay must be well structured and contain an introductory paragraph with a clearly stated thesis statement. In addition to an introduction and conclusion, your essay must have a MINIMUM of three fully developed paragraphs in the body with evidence supporting the arguments in each paragraph.

first body paragraph is on colonialism and how the native americans and colonisers are each painted as savages. second paragraph is on the white mans burden and how it affected africa. third paragraph you synthesize, compare and contrast the two previous paragraphs.


Bartolomé de Las Casas Describes the Exploitation of Indigenous Peoples, 1542