After having read TB pages 186-189 (on Levels of Processing (LoP), given what you know to be true of Craik& Lockhart’s (1972) LoP approach to learning, do you think your data conforms to what would be predicted by their model of explicit learning?

 Levels of Processing Approach to Learning (Craik & Lockhart, 1972).
watch VL1 for this week, which will ask you to immediately complete a task that will help you to “learn something about how you learn”. As you watch the video, do exactly as the TASK INSTRUCTIONS ask. Then after you’ve completed the task, as well as Parts A, B & C, please return here to complete the things specified below…

  • After having read TB pages 186-189 (on Levels of Processing (LoP), given what you know to be true of Craik& Lockhart’s (1972) LoP approach to learning, do you think your data conforms to what would be predicted by their model of explicit learning? If so, explain how. If not, why do you think this mini-experiment did not work for you? As you respond, demonstrate that you know the theoretical claims that characterize of LoP model, and that you also know the distinction between the differing characteristics of each of the conditions in the mini-experiment.
  • How might the principles of the LoP model translate into real-world action for you when it comes to studying for a test in which you must recall information from memory to demonstrate your knowledge. That is, what kinds of strategies does this model of explicit learning suggest might work BEST for you as you aim to commit content to memory in preparation for a test. What kinds of strategies might NOT work well, according to this model?