Can you identify the argument, premises, and conclusion presented in the article or video clip and explain its importance?

For this video presentation, you will pick one item that addresses a current issue and make connections to class concepts. The item may be print or video and may be the product of any source. TV commercials can be a great source for this analysis, because you will need to identify, and present which rhetorical devices and fallacies are present in it. Otherwise, you can use an article from the current edition of a newspaper or magazine, a segment from a news or talk show, YouTube post, vlog, or any program that features current affairs would all work for this assignment. Videos or clips that you are analyzing should be no more than 2 minutes in length. You must cite whatever source you use on a References page on your Power point slides!

  • Can you identify the argument, premises, and conclusion presented in the article or video clip and explain its importance?
  • Did the speakers/writers use deductive or inductive reasoning?
  • Identify 2-3 of the following class concepts: vague/ambiguous language, credibility, cognitive bias, rhetoric, logical fallacies, generalizations, arguments from analogy, cause and effect reasoning, and value judgments about morality/law/aesthetics.
  • Explain why you think the argument fits this concept. Also identify if this was purposeful and why, as well as how this impacts the strength of the argument?
  • Provide a conclusion to your video. Was the argument convincing? What is your position? (30 seconds max)

Points possible: 100 points; Length: 4–5 Minutes Maximum.