Select an artist’s work and explain how the artist created the texture.

View a site sponsored by the Walker Art Center: Artist’s Toolkit. (Links to an external site.) This informative site will assist you in understanding the use of texture in three areas: 

Types of Texture,Visual Texture and Illusion of Space using texture. The missing detailed images of some paintings may be viewed in the following links: Olive Trees (Links to an external site.), Gathering of Gamblers with Hurdy-Gurdy Player (Links to an external site.), Virgin and Child in a Landscape (Links to an external site.), and The Fallen Tree (Links to an external site.).
Format for Delivery: After reviewing the textbook (Arts Fundamentals 12th edition) and this site, compose a discussion thread addressing the following questions:

  1. What kinds of texture in particular appeal to you?
  2. Select an artist’s work and explain how the artist created the texture.
  3. If you made an artwork right now, what kind of texture would it have?