Develop a research paper on either a piece of legislation, an executive order, or a Texas Supreme Court case, enacted or decided since 2000, by the Texas state government.

Develop a research paper on either a piece of legislation, an executive order, or a Texas Supreme Court case, enacted or decided since 2000, by the Texas state government.

The tool of policy that you choose should be active.Use these questions as a basis for your paper but expand on these ideas from there

  • What does this action say about the power of the branch?
  • How does it affect the power of the branch, as given by the Constitution?
  • How does this action affect the relationship between the acting branch and the other branches?
  • How did this affect citizens and residents of the United States?

Paper Guidelines:

Minimum 1,000 words in the body of the paper .Minimum of 5 academic sources, included at the end of the paper in a works cited page and cited in the paper using in-text citations.Conform to the APA style format.