Discuss how the strategy for key stakeholders may improve population health outcomes.explain your reasoning.

Using the attached paper and prompt on Immunizations please answer the below
you can use the sources already listed in the FINAL document if needed.

a. Recommend a course of action to the healthcare executive. The course of action you recommend must be supported by your analysis.
b. Propose how you plan to reconcile divergent stakeholder needs and interests.
c. Assess the extent to which legal risks and potential malpractice issues shaped your decision, if at all. Be sure to explain your reasoning.
d. Assess the extent to which your recommended course of action addresses financing practices that impact key stakeholders, if any. Be sure to
explain your reasoning.
e. Propose how you plan to resolve potential conflicts you identified. Be sure to identify the risk management strategies you would employ.
f. Propose a strategy for key stakeholders to influence the healthcare executive’s decision.
g. Discuss how the strategy for key stakeholders may improve population health outcomes. Be sure to explain your reasoning.
h. Summarize your analysis and recommendations in a brief concluding paragraph.