Describe how the parties positions have changed, or not, when compared to their own platforms over 100 years ago.

Describe how the parties positions have changed, or not, when compared to their own platforms over 100 years ago.

One central component of our course is understanding the ways in which political parties provide cues for voters, including the creation of policy platforms. In this research assignment, students will compare and contrast the two major parties’ policy positions as stated in their most recent political platforms (2020). Specifically, students will identify three policy issues to contrast (for example, the economy). The paper will focus on differences between the policy positions and should also make an argument as to why students believe the party has taken this specific position. Additionally, to provide some historical context for our simulation, students will compare the 2020 party platforms with the Democrats’ and Republicans’ platforms from 1912. These platforms are accessible through the American Presidency Project’s website. If at all possible, look at three policy areas from 1912 related to those you have selected for the 2020 platforms.