Weapons Made From Radiological Agents: where would one expect to find radiological agents in the NYC area?

Weapons Made From Radiological Agents

• Where would one expect to find radiological agents in the NYC area?
• Exactly what is radiation? Define the 2 types of radiation and explain how they cause harm to humans?
• Define and describe the physical properties of the three major categories of radioactive particles/rays?
• Besides radioactivity, some elements present additional hazards as well. Select three elements that are radioactive and contain other health hazards. Name them and talk about the other ways they are harmful.
• Discuss the types of harm caused by radiation exposure, namely:
acute Illness, injury, long term effects and long term genetic effects.

.What actions can a civilian or a first responder take to minimize harm to themselves in the event of a radiological event, whether it be an industrial accident that disperses radioactive particles, or terrorism in the form of a “dirty bomb?”

cover these questions completely and produce 5 to 7 pages of text. Make sure you cite all sources used in your report.