Mental Health Crisis Simulated Phone Call: what protective factor did Richard identify for himself?was this an internal or external protective factor? What is your clinical judgment regarding this protective factor?

Mental Health Crisis Simulated Phone Call

Question 1:

Reflect on your immediate thoughts after listening to the phone call. Don’t focus on the clinical content of the call, but rather how you felt listening to it. Did it bring up any emotions for you? If so, can you label the feeling it brought up? If you were taking this call and these feelings came up how would you manage that? Please keep your response to 4 or 5 sentences.

Question 2:

Reflect briefly on your thoughts during the phone call, again leave out the clinical content of the phone call. We will get to that next! What were your personal thoughts about what Richard was saying? Is it difficult to hear people speak about suicide? Are there personal or cultural beliefs that you hold regarding suicide? How do you manage these thoughts for yourself? Please keep your response to 4 or 5 sentences.

Question 3:

Now focus on the clinical content of the phone call. Roberts’ (1991) Seven Stage Crisis Intervention Model is helpful in guiding the clinician in intervening in a psychological crisis, like the one Richard is experiencing. Utilizing the content from the simulated crisis phone call, give an example of how the nurse demonstrated each of Roberts’ seven stages. For this question it may be helpful to utilize the call transcript. Please keep your answer to 2-3 sentences per stage. If you feel like a stage was not explored fully or at all, please state that. Roberts’ Seven Stage Crisis Intervention Model can be found in Austin and Boyd text as part of the required readings for this unit.

Question 4:

A positive therapeutic alliance is a crucial piece of suicide risk assessment as it allows the client to be more forthcoming with the content of their suicidal thoughts (Sadler, 2019; Perlman et al., 2011). Identify 2 examples of the nurse demonstrating her attempts to develop a positive therapeutic alliance. You will only be graded on the 2 examples.

Question 5:

Identifying risk factors for suicide aide the clinician in determining the risk for acting on suicidal ideation (Sadek, 2019; Perlman et al., 2011). Identify 3 risk factors for suicide that Richard presents with.

Question 6:

What protective factor did Richard identify for himself? Was this an internal or external protective factor? What is your clinical judgment regarding this protective factor?

Question 7:

Clinical judgment is required to determine the likelihood the person will attempt/complete suicide. The following information identified by Sadek (2019, p. 27) is used to formulate this clinical judgment.