Briefly summarize the major historical developments of the athlete or in the sport in three to five (3-5) pages.

Select a sport or athlete of personal interest.

  • Briefly summarize the major historical developments of the athlete or in the sport in three to five (3-5) pages.
  • Discuss in two to three (2-3) pages how the sport was influenced by gender, class, and
  • Social events or how the athlete has developed the modern game.Discuss briefly the sport or athlete and give its unique history and place in today’s society.

Be 5-8 pages in length, NOT including the cover page and references.
Be typed, double-spaced, using a 12-point font, Times New Roman with one-inch margins.
Include at least three (3) references from books or peer-reviewed journal articles.
Be written according to the guidelines printed in the APA Style Guide (7th edition)