Write a 2 100 word replies to the following discussion.

Write a 2 100 word replies to the following discussion.

In Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence teachers understand that students have different learning styles and education should not make assumption as to how students will grasp a content. So, as an educator the teacher will teach the lesson utilizing at least three or more of Gardner’s “MI” (i.e. verbal, auditory, and kinesthetic to name a few) (Joneja, 2016).

The Gardner’s Model is a progressive curriculum model that believe that all student’s can learn if educators understand the MI principle that all students have different learning styles (Joneja, 2016).

The bottom-line teachers cannot teach from an old traditional curriculum mindset where teachers are teaching all students the same way. In the Progressive curriculum model, teachers have to include a variety of lesson and concepts to reach all learners (Joneja, 2016).

Gardner understand that students learn best in a Project-Based Learning (PBL) curriculum where students are collaborating and using their critical thinking skills to solve problems within their own community utilizing different learning styles (Joneja, 2016). With PBL, students are also able to use a variety of different tools, resources, and learning styles to help them glean more information and work through different skills (Anazifa, 2017).

Gardner understand the principle of Personalizing Learning (PL) for each student because students developmentally appropriate learning style is not the same for each student (Joneja, 2016).

Gardner believe that teachers need to engage students throughout the lesson by recognizing how each student learn. Teachers have to present their lesson based on each student learning style in order to engage each learner (Joneja, 2016).

It is not impossible to teach students with different learning disabilities. Educator understand the planning process and collaboration process to ensure all students have access to the curriculum. Teacher will use a robust instructional strategy (i.e., Cornell notes, Nearpod, kahoots, quiziz, jeopardy, and so on) in order to give each student a voice and a choice in the learning process (Joneja, 2016).

Alexander et al. (2019) advanced that issues and addressing fluency in technology is important in PBL where technology is being used to enhance student’s learning. Technology literacy does not replace student’s cognitive skills. If students are not able to master the learning target, students will not be able to manipulate the digital learning world to solve real-life problems. While students need to understand how to take tests, they also need to be taught how to think critically, solve problems, and work together. Problem based learning (PBL) is a great way for students to do this because they must work together to solve problems using different learning styles.

Just as our Lord gives us what we need, we must provide for our students in whatever way is necessary. "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (New International Version, 2021, Phil. 4:19).