The Windshield Survey: how does what you observed during the Windshield Survey impact the community’s health.?

Discuss about below questions

1. The Windshield Survey – visit the community to develop a ‘feel’ or ‘sense’ of the community. What do you see; who are the people, what are they doing, how is the housing, sidewalks, method of transportation, commerce, etc.

2. Complete a “Key Informant” interview – someone from the community that has knowledge of the population and their specific health needs. Examples include: county board supervisor, health care provider, teacher, police officer, librarian, etc.

  • How does what you observed during the Windshield Survey impact the Community’s Health?
  • What does your key informant say is the major health issues facing the population?
  • Does their assessment match what you have discovered thus far through the county or town website and health department websites?
  • Identify which issues relating to health are being addressed by the county, as documented on the website (include the link).
  • How is the community addressing these issues? Are there issues that are not being addressed by the county but viewed important by the key informant and residents