Connecting pop culture and politics: how do the songs relate to the historical events of the 1950s and the principles of the “Second Reconstruction”?

Connecting pop culture and politics

For this discussion forum post you will consider how the Coasters’ songs “Run Red Run” and “What About Us” (one or both) respond to or address issues raised in the so-called “Second Reconstruction.” How do the songs relate to the historical events of the 1950s and the principles of the “Second Reconstruction”? Come up with an argument that explains what one or both of the songs does that lets us see something specific about the period. Also, be sure to identify the ideology the song(s) challenge.


Begin your 500-word response with a short introduction in which you state your position—the one point you want to convince your classmates about the song(s). The point should be as specific as possible—for example, the song(s) demonstrates the way racism reinforced the economic inequality of the period or the song models a form of protest against the conditions of the period. This paragraph should be no more than two or three sentences. You should note the ideology the song(s) challenge.

Now robustly support your point in a few body paragraphs. Start with a brief description of the historical context (the Second Reconstruction). After the brief description, focus in on a particular event or aspect you will connect to the songs in the later paragraph. Be sure to cite your sources from the class readings.

After you establish the historical context, discuss the way the song addresses the racial injustices of the time period. This is where you quote something specific from the song and analyze that quote, connecting it to some of the readings/videos on the 1950s/Second Reconstruction. The bulk of your post should be the close analysis of the lyrics or lines and how they connect to the time period.


Be sure to cite the texts in the body of your response. Quote specific language and explain what it means and why it is important. For example, you might say that The Coasters’ song line “[this specific line from the lyrics]” means x [explain what it means]. Use the PowerPoint on quoting and analyzing as a model. Show how the words work to create meaning rather than simply saying what they mean. You may cite the quote using APA, MLA, or Chicago style. If you do not know any of these three citation styles, you should try APA, since it is the form you will use in your nursing courses. Be sure to tie the specific lyrics directly to the historical events and ideology involved. You should have at least three quotes from the primary texts (the songs) and cite the secondary texts (the readings and videos on the historical events) at least twice in your post. Provide citations for any historical fact.


End your response with a brief conclusion in which you state why you think your position is important today.

Remember: do not under any circumstances consult, let alone copy and paste from, information or analyses not found in the materials on this course site. Do not go outside the course—not to get ideas or information and not to borrow language—or you will earn a zero on the assignment. Please meet with me if you have any questions about this.


Do your best to write in the active voice (see active vs. passive voice handout in the Writing Tools module). Once you’re satisfied that you have said what you wanted to, go back through and proofread for any spelling or capitalization errors—these types of errors are distracting to your readers and a quick read-through will often catch them.


Be sure to submit your initial post by 11:55 pm on Saturday, September 18.

Remember: do not under any circumstances consult, let alone copy and paste from, information or analyses not found in the materials on this course site. Do not go outside the course—not to get ideas or information and not to borrow language—or I will ask you to redo the assignment. This is the only do-over you’ll get. Any further consulting and copying from other sources will earn a zero on the assignment. Please meet with me if you have any questions about this.


After you submit your initial post, read over your classmates’ posts. Pick the one you find the most interesting and write your 150-word response. In your response, be sure to either add a specific new idea to the argument or challenge a specific point in the argument. Include some reference to the module readings.