Provide an executive summary for your report that summarises your whole report, including the company, issues arising from your research and explicit recommendations to ameliorate the issue identified

Write an executive report based on the attached Virgin Australia annual report with 10-15 references,

Based on the information that you have reviewed, prepare an executive report, covering the following criteria:
1. Provide an executive summary for your report that summarises your whole report, including the company, issues arising from your research and explicit recommendations to ameliorate the issue identified. (150 words)
2. Provide an introduction that explicates the research methodologies you employed in analysing the organisation’s financials. (150 words)
3. Analyse and articulate the current financial position of this organisation, in terms of debt versus lease financing, and short versus long term debt. (400 words)
4. Based on your analysis, justify whether this organisation is/is not financially constrained and finance options available to the organisation to improve their current financial position. (500 words)
5. Identify growth opportunities for the organisation utilising the analytical tools and frameworks for financial analysis, financial planning and working capital management. (300 words)
6. Drawing on your analysis, provide recommendations for future financing (e.g. keep status quo, lend more, leverage, reduce debt etc.) and how this relates to the opportunities that you have identified. (500 words)