.Discuss the changes in moisture content and the effects of these changes on a piece of dimension lumber from the time the tree is cut, through its processing, and until it has been in service in a building for an entire year.

This week you will post one discussion on the discussion board, "Thinking Aloud”:

Begin by clicking "add new discussion" and post a couple of sentences addressing the questions for Week Four:

1.Discuss the changes in moisture content and the effects of these changes on a piece of dimension lumber from the time the tree is cut, through its processing, and until it has been in service in a building for an entire year.

2. Can heavy timber compete successfully with other construction material relative to its price? What factors dictate the use of heavy timber over economic factors?

3. Light wood framing is highly combustible. How the building code addresses the combustibility of wood for light wood framing applications?

After posting your response along with reasons to support your position,read and comment on at least one other student's post, either providing an example related to the constraint described, or providing a link to a website that addresses that constraint with your summary.

Fundamentals of Building Construction
Edward Allen; Joseph Iano chapters3-5 is the assigned reading
You can number and answer questions.