Kidnapped women and children in the Sahel: how can the de-radicalization and societal reintegration of survivors be utilized as a tool in the ongoing war on terror in the Sahel.

Kidnapped women and children in the Sahel.

  1. How can the deradicalization and societal reintegration of survivors be utilized as a tool in
    the ongoing war on terror in the Sahel.

  2. Critically analyses the impact and effect the abduction of women and children has had on
    their psychology and its relevance as an effective tool in the ongoing war on terror.

  3. Analise the psychological effect of kidnapping on victims in the ongoing war on terror in
    the Sahel Region.
  4. Critically assess and review the various processes and methods of de radicalization and
    reintegration of survivors (women and children) of terror.

  5. Investigate the problems faced by nations to reintroduce survivors of terror into the
  6. Critically examine prevalent terror groups in the Sahel; Boko haram, Isis and AQIM,
    evaluate its scope, formation and purpose.

  7. Evaluate the extent to which organized crime (kidnapping) has been beneficial to terror
    groups in the Sahel.

  8. Evaluate kidnapping as a form of jihad.