Discuss with examples, the role of ethics, legal, socio-cultural, and examiner biases and how each influences the diagnosis, treatment, and applicant selection processes.

Write a (5) paper about choosing appropriate measures for psychological diagnosis, evaluation, and selection.

Part 1. The Minority Testing Bias Persists  article calls attention to the fact that some tests may be culture-specific without even knowing it.

1). Discuss the implied message from this article and the need to identify underlying testing items that have subtle stereotypical wording or context that are culturally discriminatory in nature.
2). Discuss effective measures that can address these issues based on your readings for this unit and personal professional behavior.
3). What impact does culture have on the process of psychological assessment and influence diagnosis on verbal communication, and on nonverbal communications?

Part 2. Issues with ethics, legal, socio-cultural, and personal biases affecting diagnostic, treatment and selection process.

1). Discuss with examples, the role of ethics, legal, socio-cultural, and examiner biases and how each influences the diagnosis, treatment, and applicant selection processes.
2). Explain each of the following forms of testing issues:
-Culture and language barriers
-American Disability Act (ADA)

Should be a 5-page expository essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:

1). Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.
2). Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.
3). Reference page: Sources listed in APA format (7th ed.)
4). Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.
5). Use standard 1″ margins on all sides.
6). Use APA formatting and citation style.