Qualifying report: write a report about operational decision-making and comparing this concept to tactical and strategic decisions, and any relevant concept.

Qualifying report

Words count: 3600

Write a report about operational decision-making and comparing this concept to tactical and
strategic decisions, and any relevant concept.

The Qualifying Report should show evidence that the student has:
 read widely around the subject area,
 identified the scope and aims of their research,
 gained a detailed knowledge of previous work of direct relevance to their own research,
 understood the implications of previous work for their own research,
 planned and designed appropriate research work for the remaining years of study (my estimation 4
years in total),
 considered ethical issues surrounding their proposed research,
 undertaken a risk assessment, and carried out relevant risk-management practices,
 demonstrated necessary practical skills or identified how and when these will be achieved,
 sourced any participants necessary to undertake their research,
 appropriately acknowledged and referenced original sources and secondary literature,
 demonstrated the writing skills necessary to author a clear, concise and well-written thesis,
 considered the pace at which work must be completed in order to submit their thesis on time,