Dishonesty Test Evaluation: write an advisory essay advising Jennie, Jasper and Pablo of their likely criminal liability for any offenses, including any defences they may have.

Dishonesty Test Evaluation

Read the scenario and answer the problem question that follows.It is Saturday afternoon and Jennie needs money quickly in order to pay the latest monthly instalment of a car loan, due on Monday. If she does not pay this month, Jennie is worried the car will be re-possessed and she will not be able to travel to work to earn money to pay her rent and feed her family. Jennie’s brother Jasper calls to ask Jennie if she will babysit Jasper’s young children that evening so he and his partner Riley can go out for a date night.On Saturday evening Jennie is babysitting at Jasper’s house, while Jasper and Riley are out. The children are asleep in bed and Jennie is pacing around the lounge worrying about her financial position when she sees £200 in notes underneath a clock on a high bookshelf. That would be enough for Jennie to make her car repayment. Jennie thinks that her brother may be willing to give her the £200 given her circumstances,but is not sure because she has previously borrowed money from him and failed to pay it back as agreed.Acting rashly, Jennie decides she cannot risk asking Jasper and pockets the £200. She is sure he will discover the money missing and resolves to tell him about it later on. When Jasper and Riley return homelater that evening, Jennie quickly leaves without mentioning the money. She uses the money to pay her loan instalment on Monday morning. Jennie worries all week about Jasper finding out about the missing money,but with each passing day her resolve to come clean grows weaker and eventually she thinks she may have gotten away with it and decides not to mention it.Jasper does not realise that the money is missing until the following weekend, when he is dusting the bookshelf. He cannot think where the money, which he has set aside to buy Riley a birthday present, can have gone and thinks he must have moved it somewhere else.As Riley’s birthday approaches, Jasper grows increasingly agitated about the missing money. He has looked every where and cannot find it, and is worried that without it Riley will be disappointed that he has not given her a nice present. This makes him quite stressed and short-tempered. The evening before Riley’s birthday,Jasper is quite upset and goes for a drink in the pub. He sits on a stool at the bar and has two glasses of lemonade. At around 10 pm another man, Pablo, enters the pub, buys a drink, sits next to Jasper and starts asking him lots of questions about why he looks so worried and why he is drinking alone.At first Jasper tries to be polite but he soon becomes annoyed. Jasper suddenly shouts ‘will you stop bothering me’, turns abruptly towards Pablo and stands up. In the process, Jasper accidentally knocks Pablo’s drink into his lap. Infuriated, Pablo quickly squares up to Jasper and shoves him hard in the chest,stepping forward as he does so. Jasper reels backwards and, in doing so, collides with Akma’s back as she is about to take a drink. The impact forces Akma’s glass against her mouth, causing her to have a swollen lip.Fearing Pablo is going to punch him, Jasper picks up an empty glass from the bar and smashes it over Pablo’s forehead, causing a large cut over his right eye. At that moment, some of the bar staff intervene to
break up the pair, and the pub landlord calls the police, who arrive on the scene shortly afterwards and arrest
Jasper and Pablo

use up to 1500 words

Write an advisory essay advising Jennie, Jasper and Pablo of their likely criminal liability for any offenses, including any defences they may have.