Popular Versus Scholarly Sources: identify at least three peer-reviewed journal articles on a cognitive psychology.

Popular Versus Scholarly Sources

  1. Select a popular media source like a video or a website on a cognitive psychology topic in your course text.
  2. Provide a link to the source.
  3. Summarize the content of the source using bullet points or a 4–6 sentence paragraph.
  4. Identify at least three peer-reviewed journal articles on the topic covered in the source.
  5. Compare and contrast information provided in the source with the three articles by answering the following questions:
  6. What information provided by the popular source is supported by research or information provided in the articles?
  7. What if any information in the articles conflicts with the popular source?
  8. Do you consider the media source you selected to be valid? Why or why not?
  9. What questions do you have about the topic based on your analysis?
  10. How can the topic you reviewed be applied to the real world? Feel free to include a personal example.

Then complete the worksheet below. Be sure to use full sentences (grammar counts), evidence from relevant sources, and APA-style citations.