The issue of young people and ‘sexting’ the sending and receiving of sexually explicit images, usually using devices such as mobile phones  has been criminalised in some would cultural criminology explain the issue of teenagers and ‘sexting’.

  1. The issue of young people and ‘sexting’ the sending and receiving of sexually explicit images, usually using devices such as mobile phones  has been criminalised in some places. How would cultural criminology explain the issue of teenagers and ‘sexting’. What response to this issue would cultural criminological theory suggest? In your response describe the theory and consider its strengths and weaknesses when used to examine this issue.
  2. Illicit drug use is sometimes dealt with as a criminal issue, and is accordingly sometimes managed through a law enforcement response. How would classical theory explain the issue of drug addiction? What response to illicit drug use would classical theory suggest? In your response you should describe the theory and consider its strengths and weaknesses when used to examine this issue.
  3. White-collar crime is often argued to be carried out by both individuals and corporations who are socially, financially, and economically powerful. How would Marxist theory explain the issue of white-collar crime? What response to white-collar crime would Marxist theory suggest? In your response you should describe the theory and consider its strengths and weaknesses when used to examine this issue.