Discuss how the fast-food industry has changed our nation and impacted our health.

Discuss how the fast-food industry has changed our nation and impacted our health.


1. Introduce your research proposal by reflecting on how you came to be interested in the topic,
your role as a researcher in this specific context, and by clearly outlining your research
question(s). Make sure to address the ‘so what?’ question or significance of your project.

2. Include some consideration of the existing literature and how it works together to construct a field of study. compare and contrast these sources, based on their common themes and differences, to
demonstrate a gap which your project will address. Include at least 3 scholarly sources in this discussion.
3. Briefly identify a theoretical lens or concept through which you could analyze your data (For example: Semiotics? Critical theory? Feminist theory or intersectionality? Neoliberalism?). This is not a complete list, so think back to any theory courses you have done and what resonated with you. Make sure to cite scholarly sources to support these concepts.
4. Justify how you will create a research sample. Who, or what, will you include and why? Who or what will you exclude and why?
5. Describe the ethical considerations of your proposed research
6. Conclude with a discussion of how your proposed project is an example of qualitative communication research.