7step research method’s applied analysis: describe some of the risks and consequences of the failure to act ethically during the data collection and gathering phase.

7step research method’s applied analysis

1. Discuss the main types of data collection techniques and identify the method most suitable for your types of data and your research question.Include any biases you think might affect the data set during the collection process.Discuss your plan to mitigate these biases.
2.Describe the main steps used in preparing the data set for analysis.Discuss the importance of the in ensuring a high quality of data analysis Specify some of the challenges that you might incur during data analysis and a plan to overcome these challenges.
3. Describe some of the risks and consequences of the failure to act ethically during the data collection and gathering phase.Address whether or not your research question may incur ethical challenges or not.Share some techniques that you may use to address the ethical concerns related to data collection, analyzing and presentation of your research.
4. Anticipate the following in your area of interest
Major findings
Future research