Effects of Divorce on Children:explore various impacts and adverse effects that the divorce process may have on a child.

Effects of Divorce on Children

  1. Explore various impacts and adverse effects that the divorce process may have on a child.
  2. Analyze the role the age of a child plays during the divorce process.
  3. Discover the emotional effects a child may experience due to divorce in later life.
  4. Find the adjustments that a child must have to cope with emotions arising from divorce.
  5. Discover the behaviors a child is likely to develop due to their parents’ divorce.
    Outline the fears the child is likely to develop as a result of divorce.

The paper must include a title page and reference page, as well as 8–10 pages of content (the body of the paper). Emphasize quality before quantity. Follow current APA guidelines throughout the paper. Your paper must be typed, double-spaced, and fall within the range of fonts allowed in the current APA manual.