In 1100,read the following scenario and prepare a report with the guidelines provided.

In 1100,read the following scenario and prepare a report with the guidelines provided.

Scenario: Covid-19 has affected all organisations and the world as we have known it no longer exists. Throughout the world, organisations need to retook at the way they operate. Your task is to find a client organisation that has to change and help them manage this change. The organisation you need to engage with could be the organisation you work for, or one in which you are involved in in your private capacity or any other organisation you know that might need assistance (perhaps even an organisation in which a friend or family member works). Engage with the key decision maker in the organisation and obtain input about the challenges, what needs to change and the consequences of not changing. Find other key stakeholders who can provide more information and engage with them about the challenges and possible solutions. Apply change tools and models and develop a change strategy and plan. Also show how the organisation can lead its stakeholders in developing and adopting the strategy for change, how they should plan to implement the chosen change strategy and how they should deal with resistance. Reflect what you have learnt from this process and what you could have been done better. Write up the total process in a written assignment format by answering the questions below. Although this report is an academic report, it could be of value to the client who could use it to implement the recommendation, and strict academic guidelines need to be adhered to such as referring to credible academic journals and articles and following the Harvard referencing format.

Agree with the client to use a pseudonym to protect their identity and to guarantee confidentiality. Primary data collection is not required for the assignment, only information gathering is expected from client organisations.  The report should be a from 5000-6000 words. 8IPagc