Watch and write down what was most interesting to you from your observation? what did you gain from this observation?

Field Observation

Watch ( and write down what you see:

Room environment, outdoor environment (nurturing, sterile, colorful, to stimulating)

Number of children and adults (in the room and in groups)

Age of children

Activities : Curriculum? Assessment tools?

Structure of the classroom (how the classroom is set up: free choice, rotating

centers, desks or tables)

Is the room child-centered? Teacher directed?

Is program NAEYC accredited? Is it involved in QRIS Nevada?

What is the classroom behavior guidance policy?

Watch the adult-child relationships

Look for types of play

Obtain some language samples

Watch for social interactions

Observe how the children self- regulate: using what approach?

Comment on: What was most interesting to you from your observation? What did you gain from this observation?