Prescribing Episode Case Study: discuss the pharmacodynamics of the medication that you prescribed, and analyse how this relates to the pathophysiology of the condition that you treated.

Prescribing Episode Case Study

  1. Discuss the pharmacodynamics of the medication that you prescribed, and analyse how this relates to the pathophysiology of the condition that you treated.
  2. Discuss the pharmacokinetics for the prescribed drug(s) if this is relevant to your prescribing decision.
  3. Discuss why the drug(s) you prescribed was appropriate for this patient and this condition.
  4. You must consider the influence of recent clinical trials on guidelines and/or local policy and critically evaluate how this has influenced your prescribing decision.
  5. Consider how this relates to your own area of practice and how recent evidence may contradict local and national guidelines.
    Look at Prescribing Competency Framework elements 4-6 for ideas.