Study from the reference section of your selected study and explain how the study you have analyzed contributes to scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this research.

Study from the reference section of your selected study and explain how the study you have analyzed contributes to scientific literature and speculate about further investigations that might take place because of this resarch.

A. Discuss how the results from this study compare with those of a study listed in the references or your main article. Support your discussion with examples from both studies.

B. Explain how this study contributes to scientific literature. Support your explanation with specific examples.

C. Describe further investigations that could take place because of this study.

The two articles from the study are listed below:

1. Final Project Article (main article): Food Environments and Obesity. Household Diet Expenditure Versus Food Deserts – article is attached
2. Similar Study Article (reference article): Obesity Prevalence and the Local Food Environment – article is attached