IRAC Analysis: does this accident belong in court or car accidents covered under other automobile legal requirements?if so, what are they?

The Integration of the Business and Legal Environments
IRAC Analysis!
1. Does this accident belong in court or car accidents covered under other automobile legal requirements? If so, what are they? Consider what
issues would s!ll be considered for a trial aer the resolution of the basic
automobile coverage limitations, identify the issues and explain why using
the defined then using the defined terminology?
2. Could the issues remaining aer an insurance payout be resolved in a
non-judicial forum, are there other reasonable formal methods to facilitate
a resolution? If so, what are they, and how do they work?
4. From a Jurisdictional perspective, what court is appropriate to hear the
case? A State Court or federal court? Is there a difference between the
two Jurisdictions?
5. Under Mr. Chevy’s claim of Diversity of Citizenship, which Jurisdiction
would have the proper Venue to hear the case, the Florida District or
Georgia District Court? Can his suit be heard in Florida? If so, why? If not,
indicate the legal grounds why. If so, why? If not, why would Abe not be
permised to file in Florida?
6. what is the Procedural authority grant to a court to obtain the power to
hear a case?
7. What are the legal standards required to be established to file a
8. What are the Federal Judicial legal requirements for review of a Case or
Controversy? What if the case involves Diversity of Citizenship, is there a
different standard applied?
9. Include in your analysis of the Chevy case the following legal Civil
Procedure concepts to your factual analysis of the case:
(a) Justiciability; (b) Comity; (c) Competence; (d) Jurisdiction; (e) Venue; (f) Amount
in Controversy; (g) Discovery; (h) Affirmative defenses; as well as any
other statue, regulations applicable