Solve problems by applying mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from Fundamental topic: Calculations and Unit 2 Topic 1: Money and Topic 2: Time and Motion

Problem-solving and modelling task – Fundamental topic: Calculations – Managing money and Time and motion – Year 10 – Brisbane, Australia

  1. Select, recall and use facts, rules, definitions and procedures drawn from Fundamental topic: Calculations and Unit 2 Topic 1: Money and Topic 2: Time and Motion
  2. Comprehend mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from Fundamental topic: Calculations and Unit 2 Topic 1: Money and Topic 2: Time and Motion
  3. Communicate using mathematical, statistical and everyday language and conventions
  4. Evaluate the reasonableness of solutions
  5. Justify procedures and decisions by explaining mathematical reasoning
  6. Solve problems by applying mathematical concepts and techniques drawn from Fundamental topic: Calculations and Unit 2 Topic 1: Money and Topic 2: Time and Motion