Memory : provide explanations for temporal and spatial locality to reference data items and how memory hierarchy can affect access time.explain the importance of considering memory behavior when writing programs.


Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.), Provide explanations for temporal and spatial locality to reference data items and how memory hierarchy can affect access time. Explain the importance of considering memory behavior when writing programs.
Include your source, formatted in APA
minimum of 250 words.
1 reference

Part 2:  Real World Considerations of Multiprocessors
Patterson and Hennessy (2014) state that “not developing the software to take advantage of, or optimize for, a multiprocessor architecture” can present performance problems.
Use Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.), provide a real-world example of how an application developed for a uniprocessor can impact the performance of executing the same application on a multiprocessor architecture. Include your source, formatted in APA as outlined
Minimum of 250 words.