Comm:How does studying international communication contribute to our knowledge/perceptions/opinions about our position and place in the world?What are the roles of propaganda, neo(colonialism), and the growth of capitalism oninternational communications?

This essay exam will evaluate your knowledge about the last seven weeks, but also the class as a
You are required to answer one question in essay format (2.5 pages minimum
and 3 pages maximum, excluding references). Points will be deducted if these instructions are not followed.
This semester, we have spent a lot of time learning the history, theories, processes and political
implications of global communication. This essay will help see whether you can make the big connections between this course’s themes and theories.
Write an essay responding to one of the following questions. I have provided additional
comments/questions below each main question. These are just tips that will provide you with more clarity regarding the expectations.
Answer a question of your choice a
coherent essay that includes an introduction/, body(multiple paragraphs, and avoided extremely long and unclear paragraphs) and a conclusion. Make sure to use evidence from lessons/examples, reading materials, and films and current examples.Also use this essay to further expand some of the conversations that we have had in the class.Consider how these dialogues have added to your knowledge/perspectives of, not only international communication, but the world in general.
Also, make sure to use course material from the entire semester.

Your essay in total should be
no less than 2.5 pages and no more than 3 pages. Ensure that your essay is not simply opinion-based. Support your claims with specifi c evidence, and concrete examples. You should make direct references (cited correctly in APA) to course material (including sufficient class examples). You need a “Works Cited/references” list forall the sources you use, in APA style. Also use in-text citations to indicate where you received
your information.

  1.  Regarding what you have learned about the history and theories of international communications, what lesson do you think we should take from this course about media
  2. How does studying international communication contribute to our knowledge/perceptions/opinions about our position and place in the world?What are the roles of propaganda, neo(colonialism), and the growth of capitalism oninternational communications?