Write a 2000 word essay which focuses on an individual or group who are seen as being vulnerable, analyse the factors which contribute to this and discuss the multi professional and /or multi agency interventions to help reduce these factors including the expected outcomes of such interventions.

Vulnerable individual or group

Write a 2000 word essay which focuses on an individual or group who are seen as being vulnerable, analyse the factors which contribute to this and discuss the multi professional and /or multi agency interventions to help reduce these factors including the expected outcomes of such interventions.

  • Identify a vulnerable individual or group from your field of nursing / midwifery and analyse the factors which can contribute to this person or group being viewed as vulnerable
  • Discuss the multi professional and / or multi agency interventions which can be implemented to try to reduce the identified vulnerability factors
  • Discuss the expected outcomes of these multi-professional and / or multi agency interventions.