Topic of Interest Research Project: pick any topic to research on and identify contemporary themes and topics you found in both the academic and professional literature


Topic of Interest Research Project

Pick any topic to research on and identify contemporary themes and topics you found in both the academic and professional literature
Speculate about why these themes and topics engage the practitioner community.
Based on your research and your own personal experience in your field of study,
Identify some of the contemporary challenges that confront practitioners in your field.
Examine the kind of information that would improve service to clients or advance the understanding of practitioners in your field.
Assess what you, as a scholar-practitioner, would like to know about your field of study.
Justify a topic of interest and a specific research focus (a general area of interest, not a specific question) you would like to pursue for purposes of work in this class (and, potentially, as a topic for your doctoral research project).
The Topic of Interest and Research Focus paper
Must be at least 1,000 words in length (not including title, abstract and reference pages) and must be formatted according to the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) (Access the resource How to Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.) for help in determining total word count.)