Develop a digital marketing plan report of 2,500 words

Develop a digital marketing plan report of 2,500 words

1. Explain briefly the purpose of your digital marketing plan.

2. Objectives (where do we want to be?). Set SMART communications and commercial objectives for your digital marketing plan. Apply two/ three components of the 5Ss framework (e.g. Sell, Speak, Save) linked to the RACE framework. You need to develop quantifiable objectives. Use appropriate metrics KPIs and time scales based on chosen scenario.

3.  Strategy (how do we get there?). Develop a digital marketing strategy. Explain the key components of your strategy.

4. Tactics (The details of strategy- how exactly do we get there? -).  Select and discuss relevant digital communications tools or media channels that can be deployed as part of tactics Provide details of your tactical tools & objectives of tools with operational links to RACE framework. You need to develop quantifiable tactical objectives linked to your campaign objectives- 2/3Ss.

5. Actions (The details of tactics- who does what and when?). Explain how you intend to execute the tactics with excellence, e.g. responsibility for implementation, external /internal skills and appropriate budget allocation.

6. Control (how do you monitor performance?). Build in a review process to your plans based on web analytics and management dashboard. Set control systems that let you know whether you are on target to achieve the objectives you set earlier, schedule and budget for regular monitoring. How do you monitor performance? E.g. 2 or 3 components of 5Ss, web analytics, KPI, frequency of reporting & type of reporting, contingency plans.

Apply relevant digital marketing concepts, theories and models, as appropriate.