Discuss two methods that you will employ to create support for your program from internal or external stakeholders.

Program Design Groundwork
For this class, you will choose a project to work on from two different scenarios, and all of your assignments will support your selected scenario. When thinking about which project will work best for you, consider your professional and personal experience as an adult, and which project you feel more passionate about and can contribute the most to. The two possible scenarios for your project are:
Scenario 1 – Develop an Orientation Program for New Students at Parker Online Community College
Parker Online Community College (POCC) is situated in suburban Virginia and educates approximately 3,000 students. The average student age is 34 years old. Some students have previous college experience but dropped out for various reasons, and some student just didn’t start college until later in life. Many of the students have full-time or part-time jobs as well as families and finding the time to study for classes is challenging. Some of the students have previously taken online courses; for others, this will be their first experience with online education. POCC distributed a survey to all new students to identify the primary concerns they had about returning to or starting classes. The following primary concerns were identified by the students:
Time management.
Writing skills.
Connecting with other students.
Technology skills.
Your mission will be to create an orientation program for newly admitted students at POCC.
Indicate which of the two scenarios from the Overview you have chosen as your mission. In this first assignment, you will lay the groundwork for your program design.
Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:
Discuss three factors that led you to choose your scenario (such as professional experience, personal experience, or future career goals).
Find and review three articles from the Strayer University Library/Resource Center on adult learners. Explain how you will use what you learned from these articles to develop your program.
Discuss two methods that you will employ to create support for your program from internal or external stakeholders.
Complete a needs analysis for your program. Note: You may use Exhibit 6B, “Elements of a Formally Structured Needs Assessment,” from your text as a model in creating your needs analysis.
Use at least four quality peer-reviewed academic resources written within the past five years. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.