Codex Zouche-Nuttall Worksheet: can you identify Lord 8 Deer? draw an image of him below and then write from which page you drew.

Codex Zouche-Nuttall Worksheet
Complete the following worksheet using the pages from the codex provided to the class.

1. Can you identify Lord 8 Deer? Draw an image of him below and then write from which page you drew.

2. In the provides pages, we can see the meeting of Lord 8 Deer and Lord 4 Jaguar which leads to the elevation of Lord 8 Deer to “lineage head” or a type of ruler, marked by the nose piercing ceremony. Which page is the ceremony happening on? How does Lord 8 Deer’s appearance change as a result after the ceremony happens? (Hint: look VERY closely at the next representation of Lord 8 Deer in the manuscript)


3. How would you describe pages 54-68? What is shown? Are there objects, people, etc.? What are they doing? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

4. Based on what occurs in page 52-53 with Lord 8 Deer (the nose piercing ceremony that makes him the king), what do you think is happening in page 54-68?

5. Identify at least two other individuals from the codex and write their name and the page you found them on below. (You CANNOT use Lord 8 Deer or Lord 4 Jaguar)

6. At the top of page 70, we see Lord 8 Deer engaged in combat and then we go on to see a bunch of place names with atlatl spears in them from pages 71-74. What do you think this represents? (Hint: recall the lecture and the comment I made about the atlatl spears)

7. Describe at least two place names shown from pages 71-74 and then state which page you found them on. Use the index/key box in the Miro board to help.


8. Based on the pages provided to you, and your answers above, how does the Codex Zouche-Nuttall describe/present Lord 8 Deer? How do you think the Mixtec’s viewed him?