What is the role of the Advanced Practice Nurse in Community Paramedicine?



The Advance Practice Nurse and Community Paramedicine
Begin writing here. . . In this paragraph, you will provide a basic/general introduction to your topic. The goal of the introduction is to provide a succinct and clear description of historical and current issues; detail an attention grabber to entice the reader to read the paper; foreshadow the organization of the paper (mentions major sections); and concludes with purpose statement.

Problem Overview
Begin writing here. . . The Problem Overview builds a case for your paper and frames the historical with current elements. This section includes specific problem description, context of key issues, background/history, epidemiology elements, knowledge gap, implications (clinical, theoretical, practical, financial, or educational, etc.), and end with rationale as to why this topic is important for the advanced practice nurse.
Section 1 Checklist (delete these with final draft):
Review APA 7th ed pp. 75-76.
Problem: What is the problem? The problem should be relevant to advanced practice nursing.
Context: Describe the larger context in which the problem exists. Is it clinical, educational, financial, or political?
Epidemiology: How widespread is the problem? Is it limited to a specific age group, ethnic group, diagnosis, or specialty? Is it limited to location? What do we know about this?
Gap: When defining the problem, a clear distinction must be drawn between what exists currently and what is desired. Briefly explain what research has been done on the topic, the gap in knowledge, and the rationale for this ROL. Why is this topic relevant and warranted- what needs to be done?
Purpose of the Paper: Finish this sentence, “The purpose of this evidence-based paper is to….”
Do not explicitly state the research question here. Rather, clearly lead the reader to the PICO/PIO/PEO question that will follow later in this section.
Devote approximately two to four paragraphs to this section.
Definition of Terms
Begin writing here … In this section, you will include any terms that are not familiar to your audience. (Be sure to check with your Capstone Advisor to confirm whether you need this section.)
Checklist (delete in final draft of paper)::
Alphabetize and bold terms that are directly related to the Capstone topic if they are not commonly used or understood. Format as a level three heading, with a new paragraph for each term.
Paraphrase the definitions of the terms using complete sentences and provide a citation for each one.
Purpose Statement/PICO Question
(The purpose statement: Exploring the role of the APN in community paramedicine in caring for vulnerable populations).
(PIO Question: What is the role of the Advanced Practice Nurse in Community Paramedicine?)
Begin writing here … Phrase the problem as a scholarly research question using the PICO/PIO/PEO format. This should be written in full sentences. Each element of the research question statement should be clearly defined. You will write an explicit purpose statement using this verbiage: The purpose of this paper is to…
Checklist (delete in final draft of paper):
Did you select the appropriate PICO, PIO, or PEO for your paper?
Does the research question align with the description of the problem in the previous section? with the purpose statement?
Devote approximately two sentences to this section.
Theoretical Framework
Begin writing here … In this section, you will identify a theoretical framework or model that relates to your topic. Connect the concepts of the theory/model to the paper, so the reader understands the relationships. This is the lens through which you are looking at the problem and PICO question. Connect the concepts of the theory/model to the paper, so the reader understands the relationships. Include an example of your selected theory and how it has been used in previous research/clinical practice and infer how this example can be applied to your research question. Include a picture of the theory framework or model.
Section 1 Checklist (delete in final draft of paper):
Identify a framework or model that relates to your topic. Briefly describe the key concepts of the theory, citing a primary source.
How has this theory been used in other research? Describe one research study that has used the theoretical framework. Be sure to theorize how previous use can be applied to your paper and specifically how the theory applies to your topic.
Cite a primary source written by the theorist.
Include a picture of the model, if possible. You will need to caption this figure in APA format.
Devote at least three paragraphs to this section.

SECTION 2: Literature Review
Begin writing here…This introductory paragraph should describe the databases used, key search words or terms, and other search parameters (e.g. range of years, types of literature). Also provide details on how you narrowed the search and the number of results.
Presentation of Literature
Begin writing here…Provide a general overview of the literature findings and the key concepts that emerged in your review.
Concept One Title (do not include the words Concept One)
Begin writing here…The purpose of this section is for you to compare, contrast, analyze, and synthesize similar study findings supportive of the concept. Transition your sentences using general to specific progression. Describe/interpret significance and clinical relevance to the problem that these similar studies share. Be sure to include data that supports the significance and clinical relevance Describe the patterns, principles, and relationships; place them in appropriate sequence so that this is a flowing description. What deductions/claims can be applied? Explain the meaning of the findings and explain why this is important or not. Identify strengths and limitations of the research studies. Are the research study findings supportive and consistent with the data collection and analysis? What best practice is highlighted? Is there an existing gap in the literature? What are the unexpected findings? Reflect and then make a conclusion about the concept; this could mean you concur with various study findings or you disagree with various study findings. Include research that does not agree with your other research studies. It is good practice to review both the positive and negative findings and to include those!
Concept Two Title (do not include the words Concept Two)
Concept Three Title (do not include the words Concept Three)
Summary of Literature Review
This is actually a comprehensive summary linking the concepts using succinct ROL points from your Presentation of the Literature. This section should reflect impact for the reader of your paper. For example, what are the most important elements that you would want your reader to take away and put into practice?
Section 2 should begin on a new page. Insert a page break from previous section.
The introductory paragraph includes enough information so that the reader perceives you have conducted a thorough literature search.
Selected research studies are not older than five years. It is acceptable to use a seminal research study- check with your advisor first.
Does each concept move from a general to specific flow, guiding the reader to a supportive logic and support of or not support of your purpose statement?
Are similar concepts/context/findings grouped together with supportive citations?
Does the summary include points of impact that the reader will remember?
Does the summary provide adequate support for the purpose statement?
Devote 8-10 pages for this section.

SECTION 3: Discussion and Synthesis
Begin writing here…The purpose of this section is for you to summarize key ROL findings. Compare/contrast main findings with the results and synthesize the meaning of those findings? How did the authors provide validity and reliability to their findings? What were the conundrums or serendipitous findings? What did you find that was conflicting or insufficient evidence? What is the evidence that the supports ROL findings are relevant and valid? What did this paper accomplish? Align how your theory/framework is applicable to the ROL and research question and how you can apply it in the clinical setting.
Describe in great detail how your ROL merits a relevant practice change (or not)? Be sure to include a quote or two which lends strong support for your ROL evidence and interpretation of the evidence. How are those findings relevant (or not) to your PICO and purpose? Address and refer to the overall strength of your ROL and its support (or not) of your PCIO and purpose. State how your healthcare worldview has changed as a result of this paper.
Begin writing here…The purpose of this section is to identify the influences that the ROL authors could not control or that placed restrictions on methodology, result, and/or conclusions.
Section 3 should begin on a new page. Insert a page break the previous section.
Does this section reflect a concise and accurate synthesis discussion?
Does the introductory paragraph include enough information so that the reader perceives you have conducted a thorough analysis and synthesis?
Is the PICO/PIO/PEO and/or purpose statement addressed and aligned within the discussion?
Are there a couple/few citations or quotes that support the evidence or the lack of evidence?
Does this section include relevant practice change(s)?
Do the limitations section accurately display a concise and thorough ROL findings and data?
Devote 2-3 pages for this section.

Section 4: Conclusion
Application to Practice
Begin writing here…The purpose of this section is to propose what decisions should be made as a result of the evidence found in this paper. What can healthcare providers do today, tomorrow, or future? Use the PICO and purpose to drive this section and describe various things or ways that the APN can facilitate a practice change. Include ways that the theoretical framework/model could assist in facilitating application to practice. Identify possible stakeholders (policy makers, metric driven reimbursement, community…) Think outside the box as well as interdisciplinary. What other areas of healthcare would/could be impacted? How could this paper lead to a better or more wholistic healthcare system? Include a relevant/possible dissemination plan for your paper.
Recommendations for Future Research
Begin writing here… The purpose of this section is to identify future research. Write this section using worldview that there is more work to be done and why it matters. Address the PICO and purpose importance as you begin this section and expand ideas to include interdisciplinary options or opportunities. What might be the implications if further research was not conducted?

Section 4 should begin on a new page. Insert a page break the previous section.
Does this section reflect relevant and forwarding thinking application to practice?
Is the PICO and/or purpose statement addressed and aligned with this section?
Does the theoretical framework/model appropriate applied? Does it make sense?
Are there interprofessional ideas included?
Does this section include dissemination ideas?
Recommendations are realistic and use a world view lens and address why these matters.
This section concisely answers: what might be the implications if further research was not conducted?
Devote 2-3 pages for this section








Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Article title with only the first word and proper nouns capitalized. Journal Title, volume(issue), pages. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466. 2000.tb02864.x
Author, C. C. (year). Book title italicized with first word capitalized. Publishing Location:
Publisher. Initial
References Checklist:
References are formatted per APA style with double-spacing and a .5 inch hanging indent
References should begin on a new page. Insert a page break the previous section.
Has the Writing Center checked your References APA 7th ed format?
Are all references with 5 years?
Alphabetized by authors last