Examine healthcare offerings in New Orleans, Louisiana, and work to identify red oceans and blue oceans.


Examine healthcare offerings in New Orleans, Louisiana, and work to identify red oceans and blue oceans. This will require achieving a deep understanding of red and blue oceans, coupled with an intensive understanding of the selected city, its healthcare providers, and their associated services. Research beyond that supplied by your readings, notably including field research, will be most helpful in this endeavor.

Supply the following headings, exactly as they appear below, placing each in bold text:

Abstract (Your paper must include an abstract of approximately 150-250 words)

Introduction (In this section, supply a brief introduction, helping the reader grasp the intent of the forthcoming work.)


City Profile (In this section, supply a brief overview of the city of focus, noting its name, population, demographic characteristics, and any other helpful background information.)

Competitive Landscape (In this section, describe the state of competition in the marketplace by identifying key healthcare organizations, discussing medical services provided, and so on to paint a detailed picture of the given environment.)


Red Oceans (In this section, identify and describe health and medical red oceans in the given city. Be sure to include justifications for your decisions.)

Blue Oceans (In this section, identify and describe health and medical blue oceans in the given city. Be sure to include justifications for your decisions.)

Conclusions (In this section, summarize the report, being sure to express your perspectives on the potential of the associated market.)

References (In this section, supply a list of references, with at least 3 references being from scholarly academic journals)