Identify potential high-investment return opportunities and evaluate product positioning strategy.

Curriculum Vitae

Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada 2019.09–2021.12Expected
Bachelor of Art, Major in Economic, Minor in Statistics
CGPA 3.82/4.3, Major GPA 3.86/4.3, Top 3% in the Economic program
Core Modules: Intermediate Macroeconomic(A), Microeconomics Theory II(A+), Statistical Analysis Econ Data(A), Introduction of Mathematical Economics(A+), Applied Multivariable Analysis(A), Applied discrete Data Analysis(A)
Fraser International College, Vancouver, Canada — University Transfer Program 2018.01-2019.07

Research Assistant 2021. 05 — Present
Simon Fraser University, Department of Economics, Vancouver, Canada
Assist in the parameterization of the experiment, interface design and information set provided to participants.
Analyze data collected from our experiments using a combination of parametric and non-parametric statistical methods such as R and Matlab, also prepare visuals for inclusion in papers for journal submission.
Investment Advisor Associate 2020. 10 — 2021. 02
Century Securities Jiang Xi Branch Investment Management Division, Jiang Xi, Nanchang, China

Identify potential high-investment return opportunities and evaluate product positioning strategy.
Drive pitching, positioning, and presentation of potential investment opportunities to senior advisors based on research and analysis findings.
The investment portfolio of 2 million RMB built in cooperation with the other three colleagues reached a return of 50% within three month for clients.

Academic Experience
Econ 305(Macroeconomic individual project): The Macro Impact of the Covid-19 to United State of America
Collect data from Federal Reserve and other resources, and use R to analyze Federal Reserve’s monetary policies and write a report to further investigate potential problems with current policies.
Econ 302(Microeconomic individuals project): The Vaccine market — Monopoly or Competitive?
Use concept and theory throughout the course to conduct an analysis about the pros and cons regarding the Covid-19 vaccine market policy, whether it should be a monopoly market or a competitive market.
RMDS 2021 post-covid California property price trend prediction competition (Team Project)
Use Random forests and linear regression technique in R to predict the post-covid California property price trend, and write a report of our study for the competition.
Our team competition website include our report and codes:

Language Skills: English(Fluent) Mandarine(Native)
Programming Language: R(Intermediate) Matlab(Beginner) Dynare(Beginner)
GRE: 334+4 (Verbal: 164 Quantitative: 170 AW: 4)

scholarship & awards
Dean’s honor roll, Simon Fraser University 2020 Summer & Fall, 2021 Spring
President’s honor roll, Simon Fraser University 2021 Spring
Undergraduate Open Scholarship, Simon Fraser University 2020 Summer & Fall, 2021 Spring
VPR—Undergraduate Student Research Award Social Science & Humanity 2021 Summer, 2021 Fall

Professional Qualifications
Chinese Securities Practitioner Qualification Certificate
Chinese Securities Investment Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination passed
Chinese Private Equity Investment Fund Practitioner Qualification Examination passed
CFA Level I Candidate
FRM Part I Candidate