Write a 4000 word essay with reference to psychological literature, critically evaluate one of the Positive Psychological variables listed below, in relation to at least one positive outcome.

Department of Psychology, Sociology & Politics

Write a 4000 word essay with reference to psychological literature, critically evaluate one of the Positive Psychological variables listed below, in relation to at least one positive outcome.

Choose one of the following Positive Psychology variables:
Character Strengths

Choose at least one from the following positive outcomes:
• Increased happiness or well-being
• Reduced symptoms of mental disorders (such as anxiety or depression)
• Increased satisfaction with life, confidence, self-esteem or self-efficacy
• Lowered stress
• Increased workplace satisfaction, engagement, performance or productivity
• Improved physical health or engagement with health promoting behaviours (such as exercise)
• Increased Positive Affect or reduced Negative Affect
• Autonomous learning or improved educational performance

Think about the areas of psychology that most interest you, and build your question around that. For example if you have an interest in HR you might choose to look at strengths and work place stress. If you have an interest in clinical psychology, you might choose to look at optimism and reduced symptoms of depression.
You will have the opportunity to discuss you essay question with the module leader during the assessment drop-in sessions, via email or in online live sessions.

All answers should contain the following sections:

1. Define your chosen positive psychology variable e.g. for a strengths essay, I would expect to see a discussion/definition of what strengths are and a brief discussion of how and why this theory emerged in psychology.
2. Define your chosen positive outcome(s) e.g. for an optimism essay, you may link to well-being, and reduced depression symptoms, and your essay would need to briefly define these outcome variables.
3. Present psychological literature linking your positive psychology variable and your positive outcome variable. Describe the studies, and critique this literature.
4. Stronger essays may also wish to further explore the link between the positive psychology variable and the positive outcome, e.g. for a strengths and well- being essay, you may also wish to discuss the role self-esteem has in linking strengths use to improved well-being.
5. Future directions. You may wish to include a paragraph on the areas for future development, e.g. what do we still not know and how might future research develop.
6. Conclusions.