Select an artifact and describe the challenge, loss, or trauma depicted. depending on your artifact there may be multiple.

select artifact. Here are some ideas:
13th (documentary film on Netflix)
Castaway (film)
The Lion King (film or musical)
The Blind Side (book or film)
Slumdog Millionaire (film)
Life of Pi (book or film)
White Oleander (book)
Between the World and Me (book)
Push (book)
Me Talk Pretty One Day (book)
The Fault in our Stars (film or book)
1. Summarize the artifact (book, movie, play). (One double-spaced page, minimum).
2. Describe the challenge, loss, or trauma depicted. Depending on your artifact there may be multiple. (One double-spaced page, minimum).
3. Describe the signs of resilience, which may include adaptation to the challenge, meaning, protective factors, etc. (One double-spaced page minimum.)
4. Describe your thoughts and feelings about the artifact. Consider what the story or characters mean to you, how you might draw inspiration or hope from the artifact, and why you selected the artifact. (One double-spaced page, minimum).

