Identify two (2) non- government organizations (NGO’s) within the primary health setting appropriate for your person. Develop a mental health plan and discuss the available treatments in relation to incorporating relevant interventions provided by these NGO’s.


Multiple commissions, inquiries and reports into mental health service delivery within Australia have presented a compelling argument for the need to adopt a biopsychosocial approach over the traditional biomedical approach to healthcare. As a result, mental health service delivery has transitioned into the community, whereby numerous non-government organizations exist within primary health networks, which aim to provide care and early intervention from a biopsychosocial approach. For this assessment task, you will explore the role of non-government organizations and available interventions in the provision of treatment in Australia’s youth.

Learning outcomes

This assessment task is aligned with the following learning outcomes:

Deconstruct stepped care, its barriers and opportunities and impact on consumers and their families.
Analyse the range of interventions within primary health settings and the impact of these interventions for at least one vulnerable group within the community.
Critically discuss the role of ‘lived experience’ of mental illness and distress in informing policy and practice of mental health care including mutual self-help, peer support and advocacy.
Assessment details

Building from the scenario you chose in assessment task two (Part A):
Develop a biopsychosocial formulation for your chosen scenario and identify areas which require intervention.


Identify two (2) non- government organizations (NGO’s) within the primary health setting appropriate for your person. Develop a mental health plan and discuss the available treatments in relation to incorporating relevant interventions provided by these NGO’s. Your plan should consider the following:
Measurable and attainable treatment goals
Recommended treatments and by whom
Self-care/help activities
Appropriate community resources the person may access
A safety plan with recommended contacts

Provide a brief outline of the anticipated trajectory and outcomes.


Select one scenario from the options below to complete both assessment task two and three

SCENARIO 1 Theme: Grief/ Depression Background:
Sam is 14 and lives at home with his father and two older siblings. When he was 12 his mother died suddenly from cancer. Sam had a very close relationship with his mum. His father works long hours to provide for the family and Sam does not see him often. He has two older siblings, his brother aged 16 and his sister aged 17, who run the household.
Within the household, there is limited discussion surrounding emotions and they do not discuss their mother. Sam’s father expects that everyone pulls their weight around the house and is happy.

Sam is currently in year 9 at school. Previously Sam was a very conscientious student who received high grades, however, since the passing of his mother his grades have deteriorated. Sam has few friends and does not engage in any extracurricular activities like he once did. His school teachers have noticed he has become increasingly oppositional and argumentative toward his peers and teachers. Moreover, Sam has begun “wagging” school.

Past medical/ psychiatric history:

Developmentally, Sam met all of his milestones to date without issue. Aside from his mother’s passing from cancer, there are no known medical issues within the family. Sam does not have a history of any medical conditions/ infectious diseases. There is no known family history of any mental illness and Sam has not previously engaged with mental health services before.

Current presentation:

Sam reports that, even though everyone thinks he is happy, sometimes he goes home, shuts the door to his bedroom and cries on his bed for hours. He does not really know why he gets so sad, but often he feels very, very lonely.

SCENARIO 2 Theme: Self-Harm Background:
Melanie is a 15-year-old girl who lives at home with her mother. She has no siblings and her parents separated when she was 8. Her father lives close by but he is a heavy drinker and is not very supportive; she does not have a close relationship with him.

Recently Melanie’s schoolwork has deteriorated and over the past six months she has started playing truant. Melanie has started drinking alcohol and using THC every weekend, her friends often take speed when they go to a nightclub; she has tried it a few times and likes the feeling that she gets from it.
She has been in a relationship with her girlfriend Joanna for the past two weeks. She got into a physical altercation with another girl last weekend when she discovered her flirting with Joanna, the girl ended up with fractured ribs.

Past medical/ psychiatric history:

Melanie was born prematurely at 34 weeks and spent time in NICU. Melanie experienced developmental delays in her speech and her mother suggests she has always had “behavior problems”. Melanie has a history of asthma but has not experienced an episode for 5 years. She currently does not have any medical concerns. There is a paternal history of substance abuse but no other history of mental illness within the family.

Current presentation:

When at home Melanie withdraws into her room, she loves her mother but finds it too difficult to talk to her. Melanie has felt low in mood for about the last six months and has been contemplating ending her life but has made no definite plans yet. On two occasions, in the last fortnight, Melanie has made cuts to her legs and abdomen with a razor, she found this quite satisfying as it helped to relieve the ‘pain’ she was feeling. Melanie struggles to get to sleep at night; she often lies awake worrying about all her problems as she believes they have become insurmountable.


SCENARIO 3 Theme: Psychosis Background:
Daniel is a 20-year-old Kamilaroi male who is in his second year at university. Daniel currently is employed part time at a local restaurant and lives in share accommodation. Both of Daniel’s parents are school teachers, but are very active in the Indigenous community. Daniel has very strong connections with his family and community but has found university a struggle as he is away from them.

Daniel is struggling to submit his assessments and has been feeling very negative about people and life in general. He is having trouble sleeping and is becoming increasingly withdrawn. More recently, he has failed 2 of his subjects and is facing failing 2 more as he has not been able to submit his assessments.

Past medical/ psychiatric history:

Daniel grew up on country and was born in the local hospital. He experienced middle ear infections when he was a young child, however this was treated appropriately and he did not sustain permanent hearing deficits. There is a family history of diabetes on his maternal side but no other medical concerns of note. Daniel’s cousin died by suicide at the age of 24 following a “psychotic episode”.

Current presentation:

A few weeks ago, he began having some strange experiences. For example, he began seeing people out of the corner of his eye who were looking straight at him, but who were not there when he looked again. He was also sure there was someone yelling at him and calling his name loudly in his ear. It seemed like every radio announcer was talking directly to him on the radio and telling him what to think or what to do. His housemates have become increasingly concerned as Daniel has been heard yelling at “nothing” and has been holding “bizarre” conversations with them.