Discuss Each of the following in relation to the population served, as well as availability and accessibility of services: adequacy of facilities ,educational,recreational, daycare, adequacy of provisions transportation, safety ,adequacy of services and providers ,healthcare services ,healthcare facilities ,healthcare providers

The nursing process is a problem-solving process that addresses community health problems at every aggregate level with the goals of preventing illness and promoting public health… It is a management process that requires situational analysis, decision making, planning, organization, direction, and control of services, as well as outcome evaluation. As a management tool, the nursing process addresses all aggregate levels… It is a process for implementing changes that improve the function of various health-related systems and the ways that people behave within those systems. (Allender, Rector, & Warner, 2010, p. 400).

Components :

You will be:

Picking a SMALL Community within your local area:
You may not work in this community
You may not live in this community
You may not conduct regular business in this community
Complete a Community Profile Inventory.
Community Needs Assessment via a Windshield Survey. Windshield Survey Guide.docx download
Analyze your Data and Culminate it into Pictorial Representations
Written Narratives should solely focus on the interpretation of your data
All data should be represented in a pictorial form and inserted into your written portion as a table, figure, or other format in an appendix.
Identify Community Health Needs/Problems based on your Assessment Data:
Use Prioritization Criteria
Give a Rationale for your Prioritizations
Write your Top Three Identified Problems as a Community Health Diagnosis.
Make Recommendations for the community in the form of Goals and Objectives based on Healthy People 2020 Initiatives that align with your Top Diagnosis.
Prepare a Presentation for the class to summarize your findings – Uploaded as a power point with voice over.

Overview and Identify the Community as a PLACE (Location)
Describe the Community
Boundaries and Topography
Environmental Controls
Waste Disposal
Water Supply
Air Pollution
Type of Housing and Overall Condition
Identify the PEOPLE of the Community (Population)
Population Profiles
Birth and Death Rates
Leading Cause of Morbidity and Mortality
Population Stability
Socioeconomic Status
Employment Level
Educational Status
Identify the Community as a SOCIAL SYSTEM
Discuss Each of the following in relation to the population served, as well as availability and accessibility of services

Adequacy of Facilities
Adequacy of Provisions
Adequacy of Services and Providers
Healthcare Services
Healthcare Facilities
Healthcare Providers
Annual Report and/or Strategic Plan – Analyzed in terms of #1 – #3.