Complete a short summary paper that contains a brief overview of the problem/issue and target audience, methods, any findings if appropriate, and a lessons-learned section.


n lieu of a final examination, students will complete a final project in the form of a Video Log (VLOG). You will create a 5-minute VLOG, with narration and any other techniques you would like to apply (e.g., animation, graphic images, and/or music introduction or ending). You are the principal narrator, but you can include other friends or experts, and you can include video or still images including yourself if you wish. You will also  complete a short summary paper (<3 pages) that contains a brief overview of the problem/issue and your target audience, your methods, any findings if appropriate, and a lessons-learned section.

All projects require the submission of the VLOG and the summary paper. Other additional materials may be required depending the project chosen.

Project Chosen:

Health apps or games –

Conduct a content analysis of the features included in 5-7 health apps or games for a specific topic (e.g. disease monitoring, healthy eating, stress management), identifying strengths and weaknesses. And Propose an app that addresses the weaknesses of currently available apps. You could address issues around content, health behavior theory, usability, and/or readability.


1. complete a short summary paper (<3 pages) that contains a brief overview of the problem/issue and target audience, methods, any findings if appropriate, and a lessons-learned section.

2. PowerPoint presentations of the content analysis and prototypes showing what your app/game would look like. Your project deliverable will include the video presentation of the prototypes of your proposed app/game.- this should be a 5 minute long presentation.

3. Create a 5-minute script for me to read that covers my content analysis and My proposed app to narrate during the PowerPoint presentation.