Social Marketing – Develop a social marketing project plan

Social Marketing 

Develop a Social Marketing Project Plan


The cause to investigate is ‘loneliness in elderly people’ as I personally believe this social issue isn’t widely talked about enough and doesn’t receive the funding and societal recognition it deserves. Since the Covid pandemic this social welfare issue has skyrocketed as aged care homes were locked down and still two years later have really strict rules and regulations around visitation rights all across Australia. People are also more nervous to visit their parents/grandparents/relatives in aged care homes as they are scared for their physical health and the impacts that the virus could have on them however I believe it is their mental health that is worse off at the moment.

Potential quotes:

Social isolation is the objective state of being in minimal contact with other people.

Loneliness is the subjective feeling that you have less companionship, social contact or quality relationships with other people than you would like.

Data from 2018 suggests that at least 13% of older adults over 65 experience loneliness, with those over 75 more likely to be lonely than any other age group. Furthermore, at least 8% of older adults over 65 are socially isolated (AIHW 2019).

Other research has found that living in a residential aged care facility can potentially contribute to these feelings of loneliness and social isolation (Neves, Sanders & Kokanović 2019).

